Friday, June 5, 2009

Better Late than Never

We are sitting in the third floor of an old building in Boston, looking out over a square with a Borders across from us, and historial buildings all around. We are preparing for our first real morning of work, about to learn about the assignments we will work on for the next 8 weeks.

We have been spending time bonding with the team as well as prepping for living together and evangelizing. We arrived on Monday a bit shy, but that soon wore off! Now we are just waiting for Saturday so that us girls can finally live in our apartment all together instead of split into 2 houses. Poor David, the only boy, will still be alone....

So far, we have spent one afternoon evangelizing, have spanned the globe with international meals, have learned the T and had a very competitive scavenger hunt, have nicknamed David ("the Bambino"), have started staying up later, and generally have been really enjoying ourselves. Boston is wonderful, of course, and soon we will have full access to the T ourselves so we can bop around the city unhindered.

God has been awesome so far, with Bible study, evangelism, quiet times, and just pulling our team together so effectively. What a blessing. We are all looking forward to living in community for the next few weeks!

Specific stories to follow...hopefully everyone else can fill in the things I missed.


1 comment:

  1. As you are thrilled to be here, we are thrilled you are here.
