Monday, July 20, 2009

Katie and and Dani are sitting at computers in office. Suddenly Christina jumps in the room shouting "Dani!", followed by Brittany jumping in the doorway and shooting the Air Gun at Christina.... Katie turns around and says, "Did you know that a group of unicorns is called a blessing?" laughter ensues.

Our office is so random. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

For Brandy

Today is a momentous day. One of our first assignments on Project was to split up into two groups to work on videos to promote Boston Winter Conference. My group was assigned to do the professional video, and today it is finished! I ended up not being necessary since I have little to no experience with video, and only one person can work on it anyway. SO - props to David, who pretty much made this from scratch with a teeny bit of brainwork from the rest of us, and Emily's stellar clip-finding ability. You can watch the video at this link. I'd embed it, but it's not on my computer. Sorry!

In other news, I have now watched four out of ten episodes of Band of Brothers, which I consider to be an important and life-changing accomplishment. David also spent time on Monday teaching Dani and I how to boulder. We are both a bit sore as a result! But I might have a new hobby...?

God has been good - church was awesome this week (Brandy was there!). We are plugged into (to varying degrees) a church called CityLife, which one of our Project leaders goes to. The service we go to is both relevant (it's at 2 pm...I think it is impossible to get more relevant than that) and very, very scripture-based. This week's message was on confession, which really hit me hard. The pastor talked about the need for us to confess to each other, basically to loosen sin's grip on us and develop deeper relationships. I've been hit this summer by the desperate need we have to be real with each other. Transparency - because if we hold our sin inside of us, that is how it grips tightly on our hearts. To share it is the most terrifying thing we can do, but also a powerful way to find release, and to find grace in each other. He said that choosing to be vulnerable often leads not to judgment, but to a reciprocal confession.

Outreach was good, too. We talked to mostly Europeans, who, unlike Americans, who either are more familiar with evangelism or are more suspicious of strangers, for the most part welcomed the chance to speak with us. Dani and I witnessed to a very friendly German guy who seemed open to the truth, though not ready for the Gospel. I want to go to Europe now, not just because he was amazing (which he was), but because he said people in Europe are more honest, and more serious about life. I have been thinking about the necessity of seriousness to living. It is true that laughter is good for you in many ways, but sometimes flippancy (for me) can be a defense against having to give an honest answer. Enjoy life, but sometimes the deepest kind of joy comes from engaging seriously with serious things.

So, yeah. Oh, we had rats, too. Did I mention that? We had a bucketful of rats that did a Pied Piper and drowned themselves.... So getting rid of that was entertaining and somewhat disastrous. We still have yet to find out what exactly is going on. We think the city gave our neighbor a citation.

So, life is excellent. And my roommate Brandy came this weekend.

And we still have not gone to the USS Constitution... It's like our White Whale. It gets suggested every weekend, and every weekend something else comes up. But "Often deceived, yet open once again your heart." This weekend it will come true. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Lizzie, you look cute today. You're dressed all like 'I work in an office.. but, I'm HOT.'" - Brittany

"Hey Brittany, you wanna blow up?" - David

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunshine, Friends, and Frisbee

This past week has been beautiful weather. June was filled with mostly clouds, rain, and other such dismal weather and with July has come a beautiful majority of sunny, warm, and lovely days. Coming from the Sunshine State, I have thoroughly enjoyed the weather. This coupled with going out of town to crazy New York City has helped me like Boston as a city more and more.

Along with the beautiful weather amd growing comfort of the city itself, these past two weeks have also given me a chance to meet more Bostonians. This has occured mostly at City Life, the church we have been attending the past month and a half. My roommate Brittany and I made an extra effort to get to know some of the people from church by staying for a dicussion time after church and going to a bible study last week. We were both really excited to meet some really cool friendly people. Since then we've all been considering doing more activities with the church and the university ministry. Its shown me the importance of friendship for myself and how important it is to be friendly and welcoming to others.

Tonight we played Ultimate Frisbee in a nearby park with people from City Life. It was a really good game, competive and fun, as well as another opportunity to meet more people. I am so encouraged by the great people that attend City Life and the depth of community I'm beginning to see.

At work we've started our first week on our own without our leaders, Jonathan and Ryan, in the office. Emily has been doing a great job as our new project leader. These next couple weeks are going to be a good growing experience for all of us individualy, and especially as a team.

Its hard to be this summer is almost coming to an end. Only a few more weeks left! This has been an amazing summer of growth for me. I have gotten to live with 5 wonderful women all striving to love God with their hearts and lives who have all encourage, strengthen, and challenged me. I have also gotten to work together with them, Amy, David, and our leaders on projects that has helped me grow as a designer, in discipline, in communicating ideas, and as a member of a team. It has been really awesome to grow further into adulthood and as a follower of Jesus while living in a fun and exciting city like Boston. I know that God will use this summer of adventure and growth to prepare and benefit me as I move on in the next steps of life. This summer has been great and I can't wait to see what the last two weeks will bring!

"One time on the subway...." - game of Brittany and Emily

"My name is..." - british mocking name game.

"Tall Ships!" - Christina

"Christina, you're wearing a white shirt!" - Brittany

Referring to Brittany... "I kind of have a crush on her frisbee abilities." - Jeff

Monday, July 6, 2009

Back Home

"The alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) is a species of herring. There are anadromous and landlocked forms. The landlocked form is also called a sawbelly or mooneye (although this latter name is more commonly applied to Hiodon spp.)."

Funny, I think going to New York helped us all to appreciate Boston that much more. It feels like a small town after "The City." It doesn't hurt that we have now seen blue skies over Boston for the last few days!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Federal, Democratic Republic at its finest.

While I could use this blog as a platform to say, while we are in trillions of dollars in debt, the unemployment rate is rising, people are begging for money on the streets and the education system is in shambles, we can still spend millions of dollars to blow-up a bunch of fireworks - I will desist that temptation. Perhaps we all felt united as we watched the sky light up with sparks an array of different colors and shapes, but truth be told as I watched the smoke drift away from the commotion of blasts, I couldn't help but wonder if people really meant it. Meant what you might ask? Right before the amazing half-hour long firework show, we had a sing-along with most songs proudly declaring "God bless America." Half-drunken people singing completely out of tune singing about the Creator of this universe seems weird when media today says that this nation wants nothing to do with God. I know most of you want to hear about our doings and whatnot, like the fact that everyone and their mom was trying to get on the freaking subway and we barely made it home, or that I played the longest game of UNO ever, lasting over an hour, or that I clung to Lizzy like a barnacle as to not get lost in the crowd of half a million people, or that Dani forced me to go to the port-a-potties which almost made me throw-up, but honestly, let's talk about the issues. Tonighit Neil Diamond sang, the Boston Pops played, the biggest firework show in the nation took place, we celebrated liberty and justice for all, and yet oh the injustice of people literally running down other human beings just to get an icecream before someone else. We put up a farce of being a nation that's united, we put yellow ribbons on our cars, we fight for freedom and democracy, but really what we want is a big show that lights up the sky, we want to consume whatever people will sell be it fried dough or glow in the dark necklaces, and well put the name of God over it for the sake of tradition. Nobody knows the meaning of truth, justice and liberty today because they are things that cannot be consumed, they are not found in firework shows, or even declarations. Nobody knows the meaning of truth, justice and liberty because no one is under God anymore.
"But, I LOOVEE you!" - Christina

"I don't where his confidence comes from." - Emily

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The New Yorker

Due to popular demand (mainly text messages from Andrew begging me to update our blog) and being stuck on a bus for 4 hours with nothing super exciting to do, I thought it would be a great idea to update our blog. Today we got on a bus in Boston and began our trek to New York where we will be spending three days working with the Tribeca campus crusade staff. We are definitely looking forward to this get away. For a few of us who are not used to so much rain (mainly myself) it is not only exciting to be going to hte Big Apple but to be getting away from the gloomy weather in Boston.

Getting ready for our trip to New York was definitely an experience for me. I learned we are staying in a hostel near Central Park on the upper west side which is exciting but also a little scary at the same time (I've stayed in one before) but it should be an eye opening experience. Upon learning that we are staying in a hostel, we also were told we could only bring one backpack with us. Now as a girl raised in southern California, this is pretty much unheard of for me and I had definite doubts that I would be able to do it. But never fear, after staring at my clothes for an hour and calling Andrew for moral support, I did it, I fit EVERYTHING in one backpack and a humongous purse. :)

Anyways, that's what we will be up to until we come back to Boston to celebrate the 4th!

In addition to getting ready for New York, our little group has had a few adventures over the past week. This last Sunday, after church, I thought it would be fun for all of us to go out and get some seafood. We had a great dinner at Legal Seafood and were getting ready to take the subway back to our apartment. Well, let me tell you, DO NOT get on a subway in Boston if you have had a cup of tea, a spanish latte, 2 diet cokes and a water without going to the bathroom. I unfortunately made this mistake, foolishly thinking I could make it to the JFK station and then the 5 minute walk to our apartment, however, the constant jerking of the subway and the ever present drizzling was just too much for me to handle. I quickly let Dani know and she and I left our group at the State Street station in the middle of downtown Boston. Now, I've grown up near large cities and I've never seen one like Boston. Nothing is open on a Sunday night at 9 oclock. finding a bathroom in the middle of downtown Boston soon looked to be impossible. Danie and I were wandering up and down the streets in search of a restroom. There were none, no public restrooms were around and no fastfood places were open.

It just so happened at this point a man happened to walk passt us and heard our plight. Dani and I decided to continue our search while this man thought it would be a good idea to stop and watch us walk up the street while he yelled places where we may find an open restroom. Unfortunately all the places he suggested were closed (big surprise). Then there it was... a bar! And it was OPEN! Fully aware that Dani was not old enough to enter, I was determined to give it a try. We went int eh entrance... no bouncer. This was going to be our lucky day! We are halfway to the back of the bar when this hefty man stand in our path asking for our I.D.'s. Where did he come from? I quickly explained to him what our deal was and he immediately dashed my dreams of sitting on a porceline throne to the ground. Just as quickly as that dream was shattered, the bouncer gave new hope. Why not try this super swanky hotel across the street?

So Dani and I ventured across the street to this hotel and I instantly doubt being able to use their facilities. Dani however, lives up to her positivity strenght and tells me to just walk in like I'm staying there. And so we go in and confidently strut our stuff to the back of the hotel lobby where we think a restroom may be waiting for us. No such luck. Then with a stroke of genius we get the idea to go up toe the restaurant on the second level. We get off the elevator and are greeted by a giant M marking the men's restroom. With a quick search, we find the women's restroom! SUCCESS!

Dani and I then proceed on our journey home with some great memories and new knowledge about the city life (or lack there of) in Boston. Let's just pray we don't have a similar problem in New York!

Monday, June 22, 2009

An Expression of Rage and a Vow of Revenge

My Dear Reader,

Please forgive me for taking a moment to involve you in a personal grudge that developed this afternoon, about 20 minutes ago. I was innocently consuming a cupcake when our own Mr. Bean, traitor in our midst, wolf in lamb's clothing, considered it appropriate to smash the said cupcake in my face. His conscience stopped him on the first try, but when asked why he desisted, he then successfully performed the deed. I had cupcake on my face and arms, and some on the carpet. Needless to say, the rest of it ended up on David's face. But that does not absolve his ill intent!

A time for revenge will present itself, I am sure. In the meantime, remember this day. The day of David's deed.

Until I am avenged,

Friday, June 19, 2009

Red Sox and Wet Socks

Today is the day...for a nap...

This week has been long, in wonderful ways. On Wednesday we had a birthday celebration, and then yesterday we went to a Red Sox game! Both evenings lasted till after midnight, so we are definitely glad for Jonathan's strong coffee.

The game was everything I could have hoped for. Unfortunately I am genetically forsworn to hate the Red Sox, but I pretended to support them last night, just so I wouldn't get murdered. Fortunately, Boston fans are pretty awesome. There is no roof on the stadium, so it was possible the game would get cancelled because of rain. But Fenway knows its fans. We waterproofed as much as possible and showed up unexpectant. But the game proceeded, and fans came. And came. And by the second inning the stadium was at least 2/3 full.

The atmosphere at Fenway was exactly as I would imagine baseball to feel like - unabashedly old-fashioned. Even the ads on the Green Monster looked like something from the 1930s. The stadium hasn't changed since its creation, and while some franchises would see that as a weakness, I think it is the Red Sox's biggest strength.

Most fans stuck around longer than we did. The game was called for rain after the fifth inning, but as we walked down the stairs and out the gate we saw fans drawn up in circles, holding beers and laughing. Maybe they were hoping the game would continue, but I think most of them were just enjoying the atmosphere.

I have watched the Boston bandwagon from the outside wondering what exactly the draw is, but I think now I know. There is something authentic about them. Last night was the kind of experience I always like to have - a piece of the past, or really authentic culture.

Okay, that rant doesn't pertain exactly to the group as a whole...I just wanted to share my impressions! One thing we did have in common, however, was being wet! We found refuge under under umbrellas (some of us), but Lizzie had only a sweatshirt for most of the game, and water kept dripping from the edges of Emily's umbrella, which we were sharing, and onto our legs and backs. But we got McDonald's ice cream on the way home, and watched Taken (for most of us, the first time we had seen it) until well after midnight.... Such a satisfying day, in my opinion!

We are plugging away at our promotional materials today. Half the group is at home recording the audio for the BWC version of "I'm on a Boat"...details to follow... :) I just finished a website also called that is about short-term missions opportunities here in the city...check it out! (if only to see what kind of stuff we've been working on).

"Smell this. Smell what your friend did." --David (about Emily)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Subway Saint and Birthday Parties

Most people go about their mundane morning commute in disconnected sort of way. For those that ride the metro, their blank, vacated stares only reveal the deep sense of foreboding of spending the day trapped in a white, stuffy office and once again being squeezed onto a crowded metro train to go back home, only to arise the next morning and start all over again. But today was a different day, today Emily Carr, a girl who's fashion sense would make Clinton and Stacey proud, became a subway saint, and not only that, she provided a ray of sunshine in the dark obscurity of morning commutes. What, you may ask, did this Emily do? As Dani and Emily hastily tried to board the Metro the gleam of the mechanical doors began to soften as the doors began to shut. Emily, without so much as a thought, threw herself between the doors of the metro, trapping herself with one foot on the cement platform and the other on the dirty metro floor. Seconds went by that seemed like ages, and no one knew what would happen, people stared with mouths open, sitting on the edge of their seats, time itself seemed to have stop. Then, a creak was heard and the subway doors slowly pulled open. Emily, through the gravity of sacrifice, moved the heart of the subway operator to open the doors and let them in. People were full of smiles as we discussed Emily's near-death experience. Though her yellow blazer suffered black markings from the evil subway doors, she became a hero, nay, more than a hero, a saint.

Also, Dani Brinkman and I are celebrating our day of birth. Rejoice with us. Her years are nine and ten, and mine are one and twenty.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just another Tuesday

We made a little a video to show you our new apartment. The audio didn't record, so Brittany and I did a voiceover. Enjoy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dani: "Just be honest."
Brittany: "I know, I know. Its just there are multiple ways to be honest."

the stuff we say..

The other day we were walking down the street and Emily decided what kind of weddings we will have.

David: Renaissance
Brittany: 70s Flower power hippy
Christina: Glam Rock
Dani: Depression Era (??)

Turns to Lizzie and says: "You'll have an Ancient Greek wedding."
Lizzie: "Asian?? I hate that style!"
little old asian lady walks by....

Christina: Are jacklopes real? Cuz they used to be my favorite animal."
Us: "No"
Christina: "Oh man! :("

"ya, Mormons are smart. They have to be, otherwise they won't get their own planet" - Christina

"Emily, will you marry me?" - Christina

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cheers to you

Before I begin I'm sorry to disappoint all of you who are hoping that this is Emily typing this blog because it is not. This is Brittany and I have not been approved to be an author yet so I'm hacking into her account. Not really though she signed in for me.

So today is Saturday and we started off well which means that most of us woke up around 11:00 ish. After a much needed 3 to 4 hours of getting ready we left the apartment and were ready to explore Boston on our own.

We arrived at Park Street to find ourselves in the middle of some very colorful festivities taking place. We saw a Britiney Spears drag queen along with many more celebrities at the Boston pride parade. We then took a stroll through Boston Commons. This is a beautiful park with flowers everywhere as well as a statue of George Washington. After feeding the ducks and causing/ witnessing a war break out over one piece of bread we headed to Newbury street, the rodeo drive of Boston. We walked up and down the street to find two thrift stores we had googled the day before. Some of us were lucky and made nice purchases while others had to practice a little self-restraint.

For dinner we went to the original Cheers bar where all of us enjoyed a nice refreshing... non-acoholic beverage. 3 root beers, a shirley temple, and some waters. After such a long day starting at around 3:00 pm we decided it was time to get on the T and head back home. For the past few hours we've just been chilling. This could mean anything from playing guitar, photo shopping Lizzy into a picture with Bono, taking a trip to the gas station for a candy run, or reading the bible. Now we're headed to bed because Christina has been having a laugh attack for the past hour and we're pretty sure it's time for her to go to bed.

Christina: "Lizzy let's get married."

Emily: "Dani you should take pictures of yourself because I do because I can't find anything better to take pictures of."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"I just so excited about David that I just I spilled my diet coke."

More quotes

Christina: Who knows what babies do in the womb.
Brittany: Yeah, they're probably sinning all over the place in there.
Christina: Like worshipping the placenta.
Dani: "I love eyes, they're probably my favorite feature."
Emily: "I like people with eyes, because they can see how beautiful I am."

We Didn't Start the Fire

Needless to say, living and working and Boston has been exciting. My group has begun to put our video production into motion. After coming up with a concept and a list of supplies we needed to execute it, Katie and I decided to venture out and shop for the needed supplies. We were in Marshalls shopping for costumes for our cast when the fire alarm went off. We then had to evacuate along with the staff and the rest of the shoppers while we waited for the fire department to show up and tell us the scoop. Katie and I decided we just had to know what was going on but while we were waiting for the fire department to figure it out we had to have a photo shoot in front of the fire truck at which point a fireman came up behind me and offered his helmet for me to wear. I think I may have found my new calling.

After work last night, we all ventured up to Harvard Square where Christina and I were mesmerized by a Curious George Store and a 4 story Urban Outfitters and the other girls were more interesed in a street-performing band and actually looking at the campus. :) I do have to say though, while Christina, David and I were walking around to try and find the rest of our group, We found a sketch underground music store with walls of records (it was definitely a new and "Edgy" experience for me) We ended our time in Harvard Square at a taqueria which had surprisingly good mexican food ( I admit, after having the privilage of living in San Diego for the past 3 years I have become Mexican food snob). Eating dinner with a group of friends has always been one of my favorite things to do and last night was no exception. We had a few good laughs and got to know eachother better through a question and answer session with David. After dinner, we made it back to our apartment for some rest...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brittany: "Is that my deoderant?"
Christina: "No. I don't think so. Why, are you missing your deoderant?"
Brittany: "yes."
Christina: "Are you serious?? I think I've been using your deoderant!"

"I was born to be a rapper." - Christina

Where else can you talk about nothing and laugh so much? :D

Monday, June 8, 2009

To Build a....


Put three people in one room, and four people in another. To the first group assign the ambiguous goal of creating a "viral" video that will spread across YouTube and then the rest of the internet. This group includes some creative and unrestrainable imaginations. To the second, assign a more professional video; this group has a real-live film major. Heads are put together, scripts are written, and soon there is coming into view two real, defined goals. One day of brainstorming and a surprising amount of time spent in (how can we say it?) less material pursuits. But it will come together!

Internal thought process: We are college students. Most of us have no real experience with this kind of project. But it's happening! I did have to dip into my one class on Writing for the Media, which was humbling, but it's happening!


What we are realizing is that most of the work we will be doing this summer will be to promote the Boston Winter Conference, which will be held in Boston in January. Most of us have been to Conference before in our own regions and know how much of an impact just a few days in such an energetic and focused Christian environment can have on your Christmas break and your life back at school. It has definitely been an "Ebenezer" in my life, something to look back on as a mark of a specific commitment to God.

Boston Winter Conference has been pretty small in the past, but definitely believe that through our efforts a lot more students will be encouraged to come to Conference.


6 girls riding the subway together every morning, working together (with David, too, of course!) all day, and spending their evenings cooking together, watching movies, or going out to see the town are going to get to know each other really well. Some of us are a bit less sociable, and we are definitely finding cultural differences between Christian and non-Christian colleges, and between East Coast and West, but slowly the barriers are coming down. For instance, those of us less comfortable talking about music or YouTube videos do get our time to discuss philosophy and theology...and there is always the common experience of boys.... Living in Christian community, though, is always a lot less "spiritual" than I imagine. It is doing dishes together, and laughing over stupid things. It sometimes involves Facebook and YouTube. It is just the willingness to really get to know each other, which in any context is a challenge to independent and prideful human nature.


I don't know if I voice the opinion of everyone here, but I am learning different things than I expected to. We have been here for a week, but it has not been what I imagined. The spiritual aspect of Project has been less rigorous than I expected. I imagined Summer Project to be a kind of spiritual boot camp, and honestly I was fearing having to open up to everyone and just expose my weaknesses and failures. I know they weren't focused on that, but I just thought that it would be training in accountability, I guess, and openness. And now I'm here and it's actually kind of slow. We had Bible Study one day last week, a bit of "Life Maps," but mine got postponed (that's where people sum up their testimony/struggles/family so we can understand them better, but obviously you can't fit everything in), and other than that it's just been normal spending time with the team, and sometimes being grouchy, and dancing around a little bit as you get to know them, and maybe a bit of sharing about our past or discussion about the Bible, but all so...normal, but slowly and determinedly loving.... And I am melting a bit, because that is grace.

Also, there has actually been a lot of fun...aka coming back from a multi-national Target in the dark through a potentially sketchy neighborhood, and eating pastry in the Italian quarter yesterday.... This is what life should be like.
"I like your head" - David

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Clam Chowder and Little Italy

Today was great! We had our first morning in the apartment with a lovely breakfast of french toast made by Katie and Emily. Around 2 we went to Church at City Life, which was pretty cool. After church the group (6 girls plus David, or token male) went on a adventure around Boston! First we stopped at Jacob Wirth for lunch. Several of us had New England Clam Chowder! It was pretty good.

On our way to a find a map we stopped at an little used bookstore. We got some great books (I picked up some Hemingway at the recommendation of the others). Eventually we found our way to the Little Italy district! Its was amazing. Walked around a quiet old cemetery on Copp Hill that was actually pretty calming. We saw Old North Church where Paul Revere hung the lantern when the British were coming. It used to be the highest point in Boston. To cap our day we went to Modern Pastry for Cannoli. yum!

Was a very fun day!

"This washer machine is ridiculous, its got more buttons than a robot!" - Christina

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We've Moved!

We moved into our new apartment for the rest of the summer! Its an awesome apartment in Dorchester that a CRU staff family is kindly letting us live in. We're all unpacked and super excited for our summer adventures. We've already had some adventures going to dinner at the Avenue Grill and finding our way to Target. Planning on spending the evening chilling out and watching a movie.

Enjoy the quotes:

"You kind of look like a dinosaur" - Katie

"You all need city smarts, I'm making a powerpoint when we get home" - Christina

"Sometimes you need to ignore them, that's the first step to not getting raped." - Christina

Friday, June 5, 2009

"I love kilts!" - Lizzie

Better Late than Never

We are sitting in the third floor of an old building in Boston, looking out over a square with a Borders across from us, and historial buildings all around. We are preparing for our first real morning of work, about to learn about the assignments we will work on for the next 8 weeks.

We have been spending time bonding with the team as well as prepping for living together and evangelizing. We arrived on Monday a bit shy, but that soon wore off! Now we are just waiting for Saturday so that us girls can finally live in our apartment all together instead of split into 2 houses. Poor David, the only boy, will still be alone....

So far, we have spent one afternoon evangelizing, have spanned the globe with international meals, have learned the T and had a very competitive scavenger hunt, have nicknamed David ("the Bambino"), have started staying up later, and generally have been really enjoying ourselves. Boston is wonderful, of course, and soon we will have full access to the T ourselves so we can bop around the city unhindered.

God has been awesome so far, with Bible study, evangelism, quiet times, and just pulling our team together so effectively. What a blessing. We are all looking forward to living in community for the next few weeks!

Specific stories to follow...hopefully everyone else can fill in the things I missed.


A Quote

"I decided I don't need self-defense, I'll just carry a gun" - Christina