Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Federal, Democratic Republic at its finest.

While I could use this blog as a platform to say, while we are in trillions of dollars in debt, the unemployment rate is rising, people are begging for money on the streets and the education system is in shambles, we can still spend millions of dollars to blow-up a bunch of fireworks - I will desist that temptation. Perhaps we all felt united as we watched the sky light up with sparks an array of different colors and shapes, but truth be told as I watched the smoke drift away from the commotion of blasts, I couldn't help but wonder if people really meant it. Meant what you might ask? Right before the amazing half-hour long firework show, we had a sing-along with most songs proudly declaring "God bless America." Half-drunken people singing completely out of tune singing about the Creator of this universe seems weird when media today says that this nation wants nothing to do with God. I know most of you want to hear about our doings and whatnot, like the fact that everyone and their mom was trying to get on the freaking subway and we barely made it home, or that I played the longest game of UNO ever, lasting over an hour, or that I clung to Lizzy like a barnacle as to not get lost in the crowd of half a million people, or that Dani forced me to go to the port-a-potties which almost made me throw-up, but honestly, let's talk about the issues. Tonighit Neil Diamond sang, the Boston Pops played, the biggest firework show in the nation took place, we celebrated liberty and justice for all, and yet oh the injustice of people literally running down other human beings just to get an icecream before someone else. We put up a farce of being a nation that's united, we put yellow ribbons on our cars, we fight for freedom and democracy, but really what we want is a big show that lights up the sky, we want to consume whatever people will sell be it fried dough or glow in the dark necklaces, and well put the name of God over it for the sake of tradition. Nobody knows the meaning of truth, justice and liberty today because they are things that cannot be consumed, they are not found in firework shows, or even declarations. Nobody knows the meaning of truth, justice and liberty because no one is under God anymore.

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