Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunshine, Friends, and Frisbee

This past week has been beautiful weather. June was filled with mostly clouds, rain, and other such dismal weather and with July has come a beautiful majority of sunny, warm, and lovely days. Coming from the Sunshine State, I have thoroughly enjoyed the weather. This coupled with going out of town to crazy New York City has helped me like Boston as a city more and more.

Along with the beautiful weather amd growing comfort of the city itself, these past two weeks have also given me a chance to meet more Bostonians. This has occured mostly at City Life, the church we have been attending the past month and a half. My roommate Brittany and I made an extra effort to get to know some of the people from church by staying for a dicussion time after church and going to a bible study last week. We were both really excited to meet some really cool friendly people. Since then we've all been considering doing more activities with the church and the university ministry. Its shown me the importance of friendship for myself and how important it is to be friendly and welcoming to others.

Tonight we played Ultimate Frisbee in a nearby park with people from City Life. It was a really good game, competive and fun, as well as another opportunity to meet more people. I am so encouraged by the great people that attend City Life and the depth of community I'm beginning to see.

At work we've started our first week on our own without our leaders, Jonathan and Ryan, in the office. Emily has been doing a great job as our new project leader. These next couple weeks are going to be a good growing experience for all of us individualy, and especially as a team.

Its hard to be this summer is almost coming to an end. Only a few more weeks left! This has been an amazing summer of growth for me. I have gotten to live with 5 wonderful women all striving to love God with their hearts and lives who have all encourage, strengthen, and challenged me. I have also gotten to work together with them, Amy, David, and our leaders on projects that has helped me grow as a designer, in discipline, in communicating ideas, and as a member of a team. It has been really awesome to grow further into adulthood and as a follower of Jesus while living in a fun and exciting city like Boston. I know that God will use this summer of adventure and growth to prepare and benefit me as I move on in the next steps of life. This summer has been great and I can't wait to see what the last two weeks will bring!

"One time on the subway...." - game of Brittany and Emily

"My name is..." - british mocking name game.

"Tall Ships!" - Christina

"Christina, you're wearing a white shirt!" - Brittany

Referring to Brittany... "I kind of have a crush on her frisbee abilities." - Jeff

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